Sunday, October 5, 2008

New Journey

Hi, I'm Julie and I would love to thank you for checking out my First blog! I'm from Columbus Ohio where I've lived most all my life. I been in the food service industry since I was able to work at 15. I've waited tables for 23 years because it's what I love to do. I've planned on making a career of it but Something always shoots me down, 5 yrs. here 10 yrs. there and I have become very aggravated because there is just no kind of stability anymore. Therefore: I've begun to start a New Journey towards independent Health and Wealth. You have to start somewhere. I've been searching around for legitimate ways to make money on the internet. I have found out, in a short amount of time, that most sites are some type of scam not delivering on what they claim. Do all the research you can through the search engines before taking on a money making opportunity that may cost you a whole lot of wasted time and money. Always be aware and ask lots of questions. Thanks for visiting and have a blessed day.