Saturday, June 20, 2009

Revolutionary 3d Book Cover Maker

I just published my very first ever Squidoo Lens.

It's about a 3d book cover maker. I have found a truly revolutionary

book cover software product. This one is going to be hard to top.

Ben Clemons and Josh Fulfer went all out creating this amazing product.

If you are in the need of or use cover graphics already you should give

this a look. I really can't say enough about it.

You have to see it for yourself.

To your happiness and success!

HAPPY NOTE: If you see someone without a smile, give them yours!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Squidoo Anyone?

I am setting up my first Lens on Squidoo.

It's been pretty interesting so far.

I'll come back to post after I get it Straight.

I've just been busy watching
my Grand kids lately. Can't find enough
time to get much done. Sissy (almost 4)
is in that 1000 question stage right now.

I could tell you some stories.

Hope to talk soon,