Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It's been another one of those unpredictable seasons. It's pretty evident though that without a dominate defense you will most likely fail. But there is always the luck of the game, in the way the ball bounces, the way the game is played, the way it is called. It is unpredictable! (As Life's Challenges) As always...... It's any one's Superbowl for the taking. Who will work the hardest and who wants it the most?

All this can apply to our everyday personal and business endeavors. It's just a matter of knowing what you want and getting up off your tush and taking it. Sometimes the road is longer and harder than we may have ever expected. Don't fall a victim to failure as it will always keep getting the best of you. Stand up and keep fighting for what you want. Learn from your failures to keep making you stronger. It's just another learning curve. If you fall, just simply get up, reevaluate the situation and do it again until you tackle it. Like all great defenses, always stay on your guard and keep on fighting for you goal. If you don't except failure as an option you can certainly succeed. *** Want it! ** Do It! ** Live It! *** Here's to your success!!!

PS: ... I hope you have answed the title of this post: YOU ARE....Go Get It! ---TTFN

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